[Mail Order Brides 04] • Reclaiming Hope

[Mail Order Brides 04] • Reclaiming Hope

**Eva Rutledge became an orphan at the early age of twelve and ended up in a home for children who had lost their parents.**

She grew to have a tender heart for those who are alone in the world. She took care of others before she worried about her own happiness. Some would think that she would be easy to take advantage of with loving and caring traits such as these. They would be mistaken.

**Luke Stevenson is the hotel owner in Evergreen, Colorado who has become Eva's intended.**

The plan is for him to teach her how to help him run the business and the two have an immediate chemistry when it comes to running the hotel. Things quickly turn sour when Luke's old flame comes back into the picture.

Will the saloon girl win the prize or will the orphan find her rightful place in the growing little town of Evergreen?

*Reclaiming Hope* is the fourth in a series of Mail Order Brides short stories from Annie Boone. Annie writes clean, Christian romance.