Derek Introduces the Constitution and Parliament of India

Derek Introduces the Constitution and Parliament of India
O'Brien, Derek
Rupa Publications India
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The Constitution of India is a remarkable document that lays down the rules,

principles and ideas according to which India is governed. It delineates the

basic framework of various institutions and specifies the rights and duties of

citizens. Every citizen needs to know about it in order to preserve the spirit of

democracy and equality of independent India.

In this book, Derek O’Brien tells in a simple and concise manner, how the

Constitution came to be written, who were the people who shaped it and the

concepts and thoughts that went into creating it. He also explains how the

Parliament of India functions.

Filled with hundreds of interesting facts as well as detailed informative entries,

The Constitution and Parliament of India will instill a sense of pride about the

country in readers and will also inspire them to be more responsible citizens.