Kill Chain · The Rise of the High-Tech Assassins

Kill Chain · The Rise of the High-Tech Assassins
Cockburn, Andrew
Henry Holt and Co.
history , military , political science , war , united states , security (national & international) , weapons , politics , political freedom
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**An essential and page-turning narrative on the history of drone warfare by the acclaimed author of Rumsfeld, exploring how this practice emerged, who made it happen, and the real consequences of targeted killing**

Assassination by drone is a subject of deep and enduring fascination. Yet few understand how and why this has become our principal way of waging war. *Kill Chain* uncovers the real and extraordinary story; its origins in long-buried secret programs, the breakthroughs that made UAV operations possible, the ways in which the technology works and, despite official claims, does not work. Taking the reader inside the well-guarded world of national security, the book reveals the powerful interests - military, CIA and corporate - that have led the drive to kill individuals by remote control. Most importantly of all, the book describes what has really happened when the theories underpinning the strategy -- and the multi-billion dollar contracts they spawn -- have been put to the test. Drawing on sources deep in the military and intelligence establishments, Andrew Cockburn's *Kill Chain* unveils the true effects, as demonstrated by bloody experience, of assassination warfare, a revelation that readers will find surprising as well as shocking.