It’s a Vet’s Life

It’s a Vet’s Life
Duncan, Alex
Pilot Productions
humour , biography , science
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It's A Vet's Life' is the first in an 8-book series based on the hilarious life of vet Michael Morton and the animals and owners in his care. Michael’s uncle Simon has taken a sabbatical from his Knightsbridge practice to go on Safari, leaving his newly qualified nephew in charge, with the promise of a partnership if he can introduce six regular new clients before his return.

This is London, 1961: The Cold War is raging; the class system is crumbling; teenagers have money in their pockets for the first time. And the animal problems that Michael encounters seem rooted in those of their owners as they adjust to the changing times. But when Michael finds romance with the strikingly attractive Julia Hanley, and debutante Claire Brown-Claremont steps in with her colour co-ordinated Siamese cats, it is anybody s guess whether, for all his humanity and humour, Uncle Simon’s challenge will be met in time.