Prepare, Persuade, Conquer · Win Friends, Influence People and Get the Yes

Prepare, Persuade, Conquer · Win Friends, Influence People and Get the Yes
Lee, Michael
BLVNP Publishing
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Unlock your hidden powers of persuasion…

Getting people to say “Yes!” to what you want is the key to success. From personal relationships to interactions with your boss, investors, co-workers and customers, the ability to change minds, sell products and persuade people is the most important skill for everyday life.

When you learn the concepts in "Prepare Persuade Conquer" you will become unstoppable because you will know how to automatically:

• Rewire your mind and personality to think exactly like a master persuader

• Keep your targets attention, and never be ignored again!

• Become a well respected authority figure that people will jump to obey

• Harness the power of likability to make loyal friends wherever you go

• Dealing with negativity and difficult people easily

• Read body language and never be confused by someone’s actions again

• Get the spouse of your dreams

All by doing only a few tiny things different then you already are.

… and much more, all in this 16-Chapter book by celebrated “self-improvement guru,” life coach, hypnotist and certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner, Michael Lee.

Whether you’re making the sales pitch of a lifetime or even just convincing your children to do their chores, you need persuasion skills. Michael Lee will show you how.

Take control of your life!