Beauty & Health / Health & Beauty · Cross Over From Death to Life

Beauty & Health / Health & Beauty · Cross Over From Death to Life

Cross Over From Death To Life

Imagine a beautiful, lush garden. . .

It's full of joy, laughter, and happiness. Everything seems perfect, until it doesn't seem perfect anymore. . .

At first, it's just the small things, easy to ignore. Something is not quite right here, or there. It's easy to laugh it off, to say it will pass by itself. It's easy to dismiss it, until it isn't easy to dismiss it anymore. . .

It's getting worse. There's rot, and pain, and fear. It's no longer possible to move freely. Breathing is sometimes a problem. Heart is beating wildly. Blood no longer seems to find its way through arteries. Anxiety becomes a constant companion.

The nightmares begin. . .

Strange, twisted horrors could be behind every corner. They show up, laughing maniacally, terrifying images from the depths of madness hunting you down.

There's nowhere to run. There's nowhere to hide, because the once joyful garden in your body that was full of life and light has been subjected to violence, trespassed upon by a stubborn violent darkness, and the horrors are happening inside you. You can't hide from yourself. All you can do is cower in fear.

Or, you can stand your ground and fight back the forces of darkness to find that beautiful, joyful, lush garden again. It's still inside you. It's still you.

This book is your path to that garden. . .

We have often been told that all of the food we eat gets digested perfectly and absorbed efficiently so it can provide vital nourishment to our cells; then the waste products are effectively eliminated from our bodies via the large intestine. This may happen in some cases, but for many people this just doesn't occur.

Learn how undigested foods can cause all sorts of diseases from cancer to mental disorders such as schizophrenia or paranoia, characterized by symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations that indicate impaired contact with reality.

Learn how enemas or colonics, if administered during fasting helps to cleanse the colon by removing old waste deposits.

Beauty Just like in the garden of Eden, which the Bible talks about.

The window to your soul can be glimpsed through your body - and the way you treat it. Proper food and exercise can lead to a happy soul and body, while mistreatment with processed food and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to disease, obesity and a nightmare that traps your soul - and you, in a body that has become a prison. Some say the truth shall set you free; learn that truth, unlock the shackles that are stealing years from your life and find a path back to who you are.

Many people are living in nightmarish containers that house their souls, disease and time ravaged bodies that have been misused by ignorance. Our hearts are desperate, trapped and wasted behind walls we have created with processed food, sedentary lifestyles and spiritual neglect. Looking around, it appears that there is no way out from the tombs we have created. Or is there? Join the Author in seeking a truth through the valley of knowledge; immerse your soul deep in spiritual exploration and find yourself on a journey that will bring health - and even happiness - back to your body.