Messengers of the Right · Conservative Media and the Transformation of American Politics

Messengers of the Right · Conservative Media and the Transformation of American Politics
Hemmer, Nicole
University of Pennsylvania Press
politics , history , media & communications , media studies , non-fiction , propaganda , united states
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From Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity to Glenn Beck and Matt Drudge, Americans are accustomed to thinking of right-wing media as integral to contemporary conservatism. But today's well-known personalities make up the second generation of broadcasting and publishing activists. Messengers of the Right tells the story of the little-known first generation.

Beginning in the late 1940s, activists working in media emerged as leaders of the American conservative movement. They not only started an array of enterprises--publishing houses, radio programs, magazines, book clubs, television shows--they also built the movement. They coordinated rallies, founded organizations, ran political campaigns, and mobilized voters. While these media activists disagreed profoundly on tactics and strategy, they shared a belief that political change stemmed not just from ideas but from spreading those ideas through openly ideological communications channels.

In Messengers of the Right , Nicole Hemmer explains how conservative media became the institutional and organizational nexus of the conservative movement, transforming audiences into activists and activists into a reliable voting base. Hemmer also explores how the idea of liberal media bias emerged, why conservatives have been more successful at media activism than liberals, and how the right remade both the Republican Party and American news media. Messengers of the Right follows broadcaster Clarence Manion, book publisher Henry Regnery, and magazine publisher William Rusher as they evolved from frustrated outsiders in search of a platform into leaders of one of the most significant and successful political movements of the twentieth century.

"Nicole Hemmer's well-researched and well-argued book Messengers of the Right

. . . [emphasizes] the contributions of three 'media activists' who

helped give coherence to the midcentury right: the radio host and

political organizer Clarence Manion, the book publisher Henry Regnery,

and the longtime National Review publisher William A. Rusher.

Hemmer convincingly shows how all three helped pioneer the ideologically

charged conservative media of our own time."—New York Review of Books


recent decades, American politics has been transformed by the explosion

of right-wing media outlets—from Rush Limbaugh and talk radio to Roger

Ailes and Fox News to countless publishing imprints, websites, and

little magazines. With Messengers of the Right, historian Nicole

Hemmer has written the single best book to date about the roots and

growth of the ideas and networks underneath it all. Deeply researched,

subtly argued, and lucidly and often humorously written, this first-rate

work of scholarship instantly joins the must-read list for any student

of the history of conservatism, the history of modern media, or indeed

the history of the polarized political culture in which we find

ourselves today."—David Greenberg, author of Republic of Spin: An Inside History of the American Presidency


Nicole Hemmer's superb new book, and you'll never see 'liberal

mainstream media' in the same way again. With rigorous research and

sparkling prose, Messengers of the Right tells the fascinating

stories of the people whose core convictions and communications artistry

helped create modern conservatism. This is political history—and

American history—at its finest."—Margaret O'Mara, University of


Nicole Hemmer is Assistant Professor of Presidential Studies at the

University of Virginia's Miller Center. She is also a U.S. News and

World Report contributing editor.