[Gutenberg 32343] • An Englishman in Paris: Notes and Recollections

[Gutenberg 32343] • An Englishman in Paris: Notes and Recollections

CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE The Second Republic-Lamartincs reason for proclaiming it-Suspects Louis-Napoleon of siniilar notives for wishing to overthrow it-Tells liini to go back to England-De Persignys account of Louis-Xapoleons landing in France after February 24th 4s-Provi lentia1 interfcrence on behalf of Louis-Napoleon-Jnstificntiorl of Louis-Sapolcnns belief in his starv-RIy Grst meeting with him-The oriqiu of a cclehratcd nickname-Baciinguet a creation of Gavarni - Louis-Napoleon and his surrou idirlrs at the H6tel clu Rhin-His appearance and dress-Lord Normanbys opinion of his appearance-Louis-Napoleons Frencli-A mot of Bismarck-Cavaignac, Tlliers, and Victor I-Iugos wrong estirrlate of his character-Cavaignac aud his brother Godcfroi-The difference between Tlliers and General Cavaignac-An electors mot-Some of the candidates for the presidency of the Seconcl Repul lic-Electioneering expenses-I npecuniosity of Louis-Napoleon-A story in connection with it-Tlic woman with the wooden legs-The salons during the Second Republic-Thc theatres and their skits on tlle situation- La Propri6te ccst le Voln-France goverrie 1 by thc Natio tal-A curious list of ministers ant1 officials of the Second Repul lic-Armand Marrast-His plaus for reviving business-IEis receptions at the Palais-Bourbon as President of thc Chaml er of Deputies-Some of the gueats-The Corps Diplomatique-The uew deputies, their wives and daughters it-His previons endcavoure at reorganization-The real drift of his pmpq ed incluiries-Hid plan meant also compulsory service for every one- irhy the legislature opp-d it-The makeshift proposed by it-Napoleon weary, h l y and soul-His pi aicaclo ndition-A great consultation nnd thcupshot of it-Dr. Ricord and what he told m e 1 am determined to see and hear, thouyh not to speak-I sally forth-The streets on the evening of Friday, the 15th of July-The illuminations-Patriotisrll or Chauvinism-The annorlncernent of a bookseller--. hat Moltke thought of it-The opirlion of a dramatist on tho war-The people no horse-play-So work done on Saturday and Sunday-Cahme i-. A mi n does not pay for his own funeral, nonsieur-The nortllc-rn station on Sunday-The departing Germans-Tlle E np. rors particular instructions with reparcl to thvnl--4lfrt. d de IIuseta Rhin i l l n l a n - d P revost-P, tradol arrd the news of his suicidc- llle probiible cause of it-, chat n-ith a superior officer-The Ernperors Suuclny rece1 tions it t119 Tuileries-Promotio s ill trte army, upou v11 it b iais-Cro d and bnd officers-Tile offict ra t lczsc lrwa n ex istt--4tlrjtiler general officer gives his ilpi lion-JInrzhal Siel incl Lelauf - The plan of campaign sucl ienly altered-The reaaon-The Emperor leaves St. Cluud-His confidence shaken before then4orne telegratns from the com nanders of divisions-Thiers i apptaled to, to stern the tide of retrenchment attern-anla to take the portfolio of n- rr-The Emperors opioion per istentlyd isregarrled at the Tuileries - Tmhu-The nc ng colouuls at the Tuileries .. 135 CHAPTER X. lhe war-Reaction before the Enlperors departure--The rnnral effects of the publication of the draft treaty- Bismarck has done the Ernpc. rorW-The Parisinns did not like the Empress-The latter a l a y san sio lsto assume tile regency - A retrospect-Crinlean war-The Enipress and Queen Victoria-Solferino-The regency of 65-Bismnrcks millinery bills-lord Lyons-Bismarck anci the Duc deGramont-Lord Lyons does not foresee war-The re publicam and the war-The Empress-Two ministerial