The Way of Selflessness · A Practical Guide to Enlightenment Based on the Teachings of the World’s Great Mystics

The Way of Selflessness · A Practical Guide to Enlightenment Based on the Teachings of the World’s Great Mystics
Morwood, Joel
Center for Sacred Sciences
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A product of twenty years of experience guiding students on the spiritual path, this book is an instruction manual for anyone who wishes to walk a mystical path and discover directly whether or not what the mystics say is true. Here you will find the universal teachings and essential practices of the mystics from all the world's major religious traditions, distilled and presented in generic terms suitable for all seekers, both those who belong to an established religion and those who do not.

**About the Author**

Joel Morwood is the Spiritual Director of the Center for Sacred Sciences, a non-profit organization dedicated to the study and dissemination of the teachings of the world's great mystics. Joel is also the author of *Naked Through the Gate: A Spiritual Autobiography* and *Through Death's Gate: A Guide to Selfless Dying*.


"It must have been providence that directed Joel Morwood to dig in the right place, for he struck a lode of pure gold, as wide (comprehensive) as it is deep (profound). What he mined from that lode is a spiritual treasure." — **Huston Smith** , author of *The World's Religions: Our Great Wisdom Traditions*

" *The Way of Selflessness* is a very fine introduction to, and overview of, the spiritual path. It is clear and accessible for newcomers, but even more impressive is the way that Morwood shows the relationship among different traditions and practices. It also sparkles with little-known quotations from the great mystics." — **David Loy** , author of *Money, Sex, War, Karma: Notes for a Buddhist Revolution*