Show Your Work! · 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered

Show Your Work! · 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered
Kleon, Austin
Workman Publishing
art , business , self help , writing
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In his *New York Times* bestseller *Steal Like an Artist* , Austin Kleon showed readers how to unlock their creativity by "stealing" from the community of other movers and shakers. Now, in an even more forward-thinking and necessary book, he shows how to take that critical next step on a creative journey-getting known.

*Show Your Work!* is about why generosity trumps genius. It's about getting *findable* , about using the network instead of wasting time "networking." It's not self-promotion, it's self-discovery-let others into your process, then let them steal from you. Filled with illustrations, quotes, stories, and examples, *Show Your Work!* offers ten transformative rules for being open, generous, brave, productive.

In chapters such as **You Don't Have to Be a Genius** ; **Share Something Small Every Day** ; and **Stick Around** , Kleon creates a user's manual for embracing the communal nature of creativity- what he calls the "ecology of talent." From broader life lessons about work (you can't find your voice if you don't use it) to the etiquette of sharing-and the dangers of oversharing-to the practicalities of Internet life (build a good domain name; give credit when credit is due), it's an inspiring manifesto for succeeding as any kind of artist or entrepreneur in the digital age.