Secrets of the Celtic Cross

Secrets of the Celtic Cross
Katz, Marcus & Goodwin, Tali
Forge Press
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The Celtic Cross is the world's most popular Tarot spread and has been used since its publication in 1909. However, the true author of the spread and its first use in the secret Order of the Golden Dawn has never been revealed until now.

Discover the true history of the spread and then learn powerful new ways of reading it for discovering the outcome of every situation.

The main part of the book is a 20-step approach to outcome-orientated reading with the spread using modern techniques of NLP.

The book also gives you the Celtic Square variant method which is ideal for face-to-face readings and really understanding the patterns cuasing any situation.

This book also reveals the first original layouts of the spread from the Golden Dawn archives, first published in Tarosophist International.

Here are a few comments from experienced tarot readers in our Facebook group when we shared some of this material for the first time:

"awesome" - "innovative" - "a jewel" - "so simple, so obvious" - "fantastic" - "brilliant" - "helpful" - "utterly fabulous" - "In just a few posts you have given me some incredibly powerful tools to up my tarot game. I'm a long-time CC fan but these techniques take my reading to a new level."

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