[Beau to Beau Romance Short Stories 00] • Along Came You

[Beau to Beau Romance Short Stories 00] • Along Came You
Wright, B.K.
B.K. Wright/Beau to Beau Books
child , erotic romance , contemporary romance , gay fiction , fiction , fathers and daughters , coddington , romance , contemporary , sweet romance , sweet story , gay fathers , gay sex , gay dads
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Matthew had fallen for Greg Stevens and Matthew had fallen hard. Before Greg, Matthew had thought that finding true happiness was not meant to be, for him. When a mutual friend fixes him up with Greg, Matthew continues to doubt his chances for true love. Greg is much younger than he and just beginning his career. When Matthew shows Greg the carvings above the fireplaces that his grandfather had built years ago, Greg sees in them the same “sign” that Matthew had seen ten years earlier. When a baby girl is abandoned at the hospital where Greg works, he and Matthew wonder if the fireplace carvings could have been designed from a premonition of Matthew’s grandfather and that perhaps this wise man, years ago, had known what lay ahead for his grandson.


Greg quickly briefed his chief resident who would be finishing his rounds for him this morning, and then hurried to the school to pick up his daughter. What could possibly have happened? The school nurse had said that Nichole wasn’t feeling well, but hadn’t gone into detail. Fearing the worst as always, Greg hurried as fast as he could to be with Nicky. Out of breath after running from the parking lot to the school, Greg could barely speak when he walked into the nurse’s office. “What’s wrong? Is she sick? Did she fall?” “We’re not sure, Dr. Stevens. She said that her stomach hurt and that she wanted her daddy.” “Okay. Where is she?” The nurse led Greg to where Nichole was lying down on a cot. “What is it, baby? Does your tummy hurt?” Nicky nodded her head. “Do you want to go home?” Nicky nodded again. “Let’s go. I’ve got someone to cover for me at work.” Nichole took Greg’s hand and the two of them walked to the car. Once inside the car, Greg pulled Nicky onto his lap and held her like a baby. “What’s wrong, Nicky? Can you tell Daddy?”

True to his word, Matthew called Greg just two days later and asked if he had been to the Space Needle yet. “No, I must confess. Residency kept me locked away from the outside world.” “If you’re not busy on Saturday, Greg, I would love to take you. We can take the monorail from downtown and spend the day at the Seattle Center,” Matthew had offered. “I am free Saturday, on call on Sunday, but not Saturday.” “I will pick you up at eleven then,” Matthew had said. It was only Wednesday, and for the rest of the week Greg found himself thinking of Matthew and wishing that it were Saturday already. Matthew was unlike the guys that Greg was used to seeing, though he hadn’t really been out with anyone since early in his medical school days. Matthew was mature, and didn’t waste time playing manipulative games. He seemed confident, and was definitely a hard worker. Matthew worked more hours a week than Greg.

Greg waited until almost five before heading to Matthew’s. The directions were easy to follow and the traffic wasn’t too bad. He enjoyed getting out of the city, and realized once again just how little of this beautiful area he had seen in the six years he had lived here. Matthew didn’t live too far out of the city, and his driveway was clearly marked with a huge overhanging sign that read, “Balderson.” Greg drove down the long lane through the most beautiful trees he had ever seen. They were huge, but very well kept. The lane led to a house that Greg was not expecting. This was a mansion, a paradise of nature. With the mountains in the background, Greg thought this would be a great inspiration for an artist. Damn, the man’s a billionaire. Greg felt smaller and smaller the closer he got to the huge home which seemed to overshadow him, and his car seemed small when he pulled up to the front entrance. Matthew must think I live in a box, Greg thought, when he thought about his apartment. There was a camera at the entrance of Matthew’s grand palace, and a buzzer. Greg pressed the buzzer and immediately heard Matthew’s voice. “Greg, is that you?” “Yes,” he said. “Come on in,” Matthew welcomed, and Greg heard a click and then the front door opened automatically.