[Chuck Brandt 05] • American Op

[Chuck Brandt 05] • American Op
Weston, Roger
Weston Publishing Enterprise
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Brandt is Back!

Chuck Brandt is living a quiet, peaceful life of service in soup kitchen in Seattle when he gets a phone call from Maria Lazar. She tells a harrowing tale. A Black Cobra assassin almost killed her and Chuck’s old pal Jeff. There may be others, but it gets worse.

“He’s alive,” Maria says. “My father is alive. I’m scared. I’m really scared.”

Chuck Brandt had thought he was dead. His name is General Ivan Lazar, once known as Russia's greatest general until he was set up and ruined by his enemies. He is alive and has secretly acquired a mothballed American warship--a stripped down ship with no obvious use. He has also stolen a new electronic camouflage technology modeled on the octopus, but nobody knows why. And that’s not all. Under the cover of night, a politician sold out America, sold General Lazar secret military technology with frightening possibilities. Nobody knows what Lazar is up to, but he has threatened America in the past. Brandt will have to learn fast. From Washington D.C. to Antarctica, Chuck Brandt is on the case. What he discovers is far worse than he expected, and his chances of either success or survival are slim.