The Double-Dealer

The Double-Dealer
Congreve, William &
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1711 Excerpt: ... Paul, you are the happiest Man alive. Such a Lady! that is the Envy of her own Set, and the Admiration of ours. Sir Paul. Your humble Servant, I am I thank Heav'o in a fine way of living, as' I may say, peacefully and happily, and I think need not envy any of my Neighbours, blessed be Providence--Ay, truly, Mr. Carelefs, my Lady is a great Blessing, a fine, discreet, well spoken Woman as you thai see If it becomes me to say so; and we live very comfortably together; she is a little hasty sometimes, and so am I; but mine's soon over, 3nd then I'm so sorry--O, Mr. Carelefs, if it were not for one thing--SCENE VII. Car.eless, you should have carty'd it to my Lady first., Boy. 'Tis directed to your Worship. Sit Paul. Well, well, my Lady leads all Letrers first--Child, do so no more 5 d'ye hear Tim! Boy. No, an't please you. SCENE VIII. Car less, a Paul, Lady Plyani, Sir P A o i, AHumour of my Wises, you know Women hate little Fancies--But as Iwas telling you, Mr. Carelefs, if it were not for one thing, Iihould; think my self the happiest Man in the World: indeed that touches me near, very near. Care. What can that be, Sir Paul' Sir Paul. Why, lhave, 1 thank Heaven, a very plentiful Fortune, a good Estate in the Country, some Houses in Town, and some Mony; a pretty tolerable personal Estate; and it is a great Grief to me, indeed it is, Mr. Carelefs, that I have not a Son to inherit this--'Tistrue, I have a Daughter, and a fine dutiful Child she is, though I fay it, blessed be Providence I mar lay; for indeed, Mr. Carelefs, lam mightily beholden to Providence A...