[Gutenberg 44978] • The Complete Poems of Sir John Davies. Volume 2 of 2.

[Gutenberg 44978] • The Complete Poems of Sir John Davies. Volume 2 of 2.
Davies, Sir John
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
1500-1700 , john , davies , sir , english poetry -- early modern , 1569-1626
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'There is noe God, ' the foole sayth in his heart, Yet dares not with his tongue his thought impart; All are corrupt and odious in God's sight, Not one doth good, not one doth well, vpright. God cast His eyes from Heauen on all mankinde, And lookt if Hee one righteous man could finde; But all were wicked, all from God were gone, Not one did good, in all the world, not one; Their throat an open graue, their flattering tongue And lyinge lips, like stinge of wasps haue stung. With bitter cursing, they their mouthes doe fill; Their feet are swift the guiltles blood to spill; Sad, wretched mischeife, in their wayes doth lye But for the wayes of peace they passe them by; Noe feare of God haue they before their eyes, Nor knowledge, while these mischeifes they devise; While they God's people doe with might oppresse And eat them up like bread with greedines; And since on God they neuer vse to call, They fear'd when cause of feare was non at all. But to the righteous man and to his race, God present is with His protectinge grace; Though fooles doe mocke the counsell of the poore, Because in God hee trusted euermore. Who shall saluation out of Sion giue To Israell but God? Who shall releiue His people and of Captiues make them free: Thou Jacob joyfull, Israell glad shall bee