The Warhunter 1

The Warhunter 1
Siegel, Scott
Piccadilly Publishing
wild west fiction , gunfighters outlaws , action hero , western ebooks , the wild west , scott siegel , western series
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Warfield Hunter’s personal vendetta against the Farrel gang led him to the little town of Kimble—just in time to save the sheriff’s life in a shootout with two of those deadly killers. But Hunter knew that Farrel would never stand for this, that Kimble was a doomed town unless everyone backed up the sheriff. What he didn’t know was that certain prominent citizens had decided it was to their advantage for Kimble to be destroyed—and how could even War Hunter save a town that was bent on its own destruction? Scott Warren Siegel (born 1951) is the author of 48 books issued by no less than 17 different major publishing houses. Among the more prominent titles are The Encyclopedia of Hollywood, American Film Comedy, and biographies of Jack Nicholson, Richard Chamberlain, Jim Carrey and Winona Ryder. Together with his wife Barbara, Scott has also co-authored many young adult and ‘shared universe’ novels. In addition to his Dark Forces, G. I. Joe, Transformers, James Bond and Fire Brats books, he is also the author of the highly acclaimed Warhunter western series, and two .44 Award-winning westerns, Rider in the Rain and Gunfire and Flame. His western fiction is presently being reissued by Piccadilly Publishing.