[Gutenberg 48194] • Ryerson Memorial Volume / Prepared on the occasion of the unveiling of the Ryerson statute in the grounds of the Education department on the Queen's birthday, 1889

[Gutenberg 48194] • Ryerson Memorial Volume / Prepared on the occasion of the unveiling of the Ryerson statute in the grounds of the Education department on the Queen's birthday, 1889
Hodgins, J. George
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
ryerson , 1803-1882 , education -- ontario , egerton
0.31 MB
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I have two reasons to give for the part which I have taken in the preparation of the latter part of this Memorial Volume. The first is mentioned in the following paragraph from the brief resum� of the historical and personal facts given in the volume, and which I read on the day of the unveiling of the statue, as follows: - "It devolves upon me, as Chairman of the (Ryerson Memorial Statue) Committee, and at the kind request of my colleagues-no less than as the life-long friend and fellow-labourer of him whose deeds and memory we honour to-day-to trace back to their source the origin and underlying principles of our system of education, and to show that these underlying principles and other vital forces were so combined by a master-hand as to form the groundwork, as they have, in their combination, become the charter of our educational system of to-day." The second reason is contained in the following paragraphs-containing a brief record of Dr. Ryerson's thirty-two years in the Public Service, taken from The Story of My Life.