Resistance Is Fertile · A Shattered Galaxy Novel

Resistance Is Fertile · A Shattered Galaxy Novel
Johnson, David
Faith X Fiction Press
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Captain Molon Hawkins has spent the last four years building the reputation of his ship, Star Wolf, as a dependable mercenary vessel. But now, Molon must take his hardcore mercenary crew into the realm of shadow runners: agents who operate more like spies than soldiers. After replacing losses from their last mission, nearly a fourth of Star Wolf's crew are new recruits. Many are civilians or former shadow runners with a history of bucking authority. Just getting his spit-and-polish soldier-boys to play nice with these misfits would be challenge enough on a milk-run. But Star Wolf is heading for its most dangerous mission yet. This job will take them behind enemy lines, bringing weapons and supplies to a budding resistance movement on a Fei terraforming colony occupied by the brutal Lubanians of Alpha Pack. Will this crew be able to pull together and succeed, or will this be the final mission for Molon Hawkins and the crew of Star Wolf? Find out in: Resistance is Fertile.