[Bookshop Hotel 03] • Nancy & Uhtred

[Bookshop Hotel 03] • Nancy & Uhtred
Klemm, A.K.
Grey Gecko Press, LLC
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Nancy Harrigan would never wear anything but a pantsuit in a solid color. She wakes up at precisely 7:30 every morning, and she hasn't used a sick day in two years. She organizes Tuesday and Thursday Bingo, and she feeds the stray cat in the backyard but would never let him inside. And she would never read anything other than a classic. Until, fed up with her book club's response to her favorite, A Scarlet Pimpernel, she tries something altogether new and meets Uhtred of Bebbanburg, hero of the *Saxon Stories * by Bernard Cornwell. Now what will happen to her perfectly tailored life?

This charming novelette (about 40 pages) is a light-hearted tale of Lily Hollow, the same lovable setting as A. K. Klemm's previous works The Bookshop Hotel * and Lily Hollow.* It will make you smile and keep you turning the pages as you wait to see how Nancy and Uhtred's adventure turns out.

Will Nancy ever be the same again - and will she even want to be?