Agent Herobrine (Book 1)

Agent Herobrine (Book 1)

GENRE: Children's Adventure(An Unofficial Minecraft Book for Kids Ages 9 - 12 (Preteen)Herobrine, the feared mythical creature, known for trolling and griefing innocent players, pulling pranks on them and destroying their constructions while they are asleep, has been a part of Minecraft since early stages of the game. This is what Herobrine likes to do, right?Wrong! Despite the popular belief that Herobrine is a single creature whose only desire is to cause harm and chaos, there are several Herobrines living in each server, and instead of destroying and trolling, their only objective is to do the exact opposite: to help and protect humans.Our main character is a player called Angie. Angie is one of the few humans who were chosen among the best players to become Herobrine, the famous entity who possesses magical powers.Angie now belongs to an organization called the Herobrine Agency, which is spread across the server in five different branches: the Central, where the Master...