[Uncle John's Bathroom Reader 01] • The Best of Uncle John's Bathroom Reader

[Uncle John's Bathroom Reader 01] • The Best of Uncle John's Bathroom Reader

Find out what millions of trivia lovers already know: Uncle John is your #1 source when it comes to throne-room reading entertainment. This book celebrates the very best articles from the BRI’s first ten years--plus 150 all-new pages! As always, the contents are divided by length: short articles for the reader on the go, medium articles if you have a few minutes to spare, and the extended sitting section for those truly leg-numbing experiences. Read about . . .

\- The origin of Twinkies

\- Who invented the Hula Hoop

\- The untold history of the Three Stooges

\- Space toilets: where no man has gone before

\- 1876: the year they stole the presidency

\- The FBI’s "Ten Most Wanted" list

\- How to start your own country

\- Celebrity imposters

*And much, much more!*