[The Belt Loop 02] • The Belt Loop_Book Two_Revenge of the Varson

[The Belt Loop 02] • The Belt Loop_Book Two_Revenge of the Varson
Jones, Robert B.
Robert B. Jones
science fiction
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The Belt Loop saga continues with Captain Uri Haad and Commander Davi Yorn nursing their crippled ship back to port. It doesn't take long before things start to go horribly wrong in the Third Colonial Navy Fleet: one of Haad's crewmen is brutally murdered; one of his senior officers is kidnapped; a competition is instigated between Haad and several of the senior captains for a coveted promotion -- all seemingly unconnected events that plunge Haad's crew into a nightmarish fight for survival. Complicating matters, without warning hostilities begin anew with the once-defeated Varson Empire and spiral out of control as the new Varson madman launches his Operation Decimation against the Colonial Navy, the planets of the Colonial Alliance and Captain Haad himself. This soaring adventure is set in the Fringes, that gaseous portion of the galaxy light-years from the Belt Loop and both Haad and Yorn make discoveries that will alter their lives forever. Approximately 97,000 words.