A Modern Treasury of Great Detective & Murder Mysteries (1994)
Includes the following 25 stories:MARGARET MILLAR - The People Across the CanyonLOREN D. ESTLEMAN - Bodyguards Shoot SecondTONY HILLERMAN - Chee’s WitchROBERT BLOCH - Water’s EdgeSHARYN McCRUMB - A Predatory WomanLINDA BARNES - Lucky PennyEDWARD D. HOCH - Second ChanceLINDA GRANT - Last RiteLAWRENCE BLOCK - A Blow for FreedomWENDY HORNSBY - Nine SonsBILL PRONZINI - Incident in a Neighbourhood TavernMARCIA MULLER - The Broken MenCAROLYN WHEAT - Ghost StationCHARLOTTE MacLEOD - More Like MartineSARA PARETSKY - Skin DeepJOAN HESS - Dead On ArrivalFAYE KELLERMAN - Malibu DogMARGARET MARON - Lieutenant Harald and the Impossible GunED McBAIN - Death FlightJOE GORES - The Second ComingED BRYANT - While She Was OutCLARK HOWARD - Horn ManF. PAUL WILSON - FacesJOHN LUTZ - Ride The LightningNANCY PICKARD - Afraid All the Time