[The King of Ireland 01] • Warrior Spirit

[The King of Ireland 01] • Warrior Spirit
Carroll, Jean
Gra Amhain Publishing
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Alternate Cover Edition 9780692367551

Irish­man Blackie O’Brien led a sin­ful and self-destructive life of women, alco­hol and drugs. He was the best, win­ningest, cham­pion steeple­chase jockey in the his­tory of the sport until a near-fatal rac­ing acci­dent ended his career.

But this was no “acci­dent”- his ruth­less ex-agent, Micket Reegan orches­trated the whole thing. It seems that the luck o’ the Irish has deserted Blackie once and for all.

And Blackie is no ordi­nary Irish­man. This lusty young man is the direct descen­dent of Brian Boru, the most influ­en­tial High king of Ire­land. If Ire­land still had a king, Blackie would be it.

Now, Blackie is a man with­out a career and with­out a kingdom.

War­rior Spirit chron­i­cles Blackie’s jour­ney from the green val­leys of Ire­land to the priv­i­leged horse coun­try of Mid­dle­burg, Vir­ginia. As Blackie begins to despair over his future, in enters beau­ti­ful, young Meg, who brings her horses to Blackie’s fam­ily farm where he’s been recu­per­at­ing from the accident.

Their sex­ual chem­istry is immediate.

But Blackie’s fam­ily has other plans for him. They believe he’s dri­ven by the spirit of an ancient Irish war­rior and demand he find a place in Ireland’s polit­i­cal leadership.

From fight­ing off alco­holic temp­ta­tions, thwart­ing an attempted rape of Meg, and stop­ping thugs try­ing to take his life, Blackie leaps over one hur­dle after another. Will Blackie ulti­mately find the future he’s meant to have with the love of a good woman? Does Blackie get a second chance to turn his life around?