Face to Face With God

Face to Face With God


We all want to be a part of something that is greater than ourselves, to knowthat God loves us and has a plan for our lives. What better way to find outthan to stand daily in His presence and ask?

In this expanded edition of Face to Face With God Bill Johnson offersquestions for reflection and prayers at the end of each chapter. He helps youpursue God for greater measures of His presence in your own life by sharingthe principles he has learned as well as real-life stories from his church andministry. You will learn:

What it means to enter "the favor of His face" and how it changes history

How to deal with distractions that enter the mind during prayer/meditation time

How to move beyond the spiritual plateaus to ride the coming wave of revival

The reward of keeping your eyes on the "Blesser" while reaching for His blessings