[Band of Preppers 01] • Life Is Hope

[Band of Preppers 01] • Life Is Hope
Evercroft, Chad
Prepper Fiction Books
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Band of Preppers

For a limited time only, to celebrate the release of my new Prepper Fiction Novel, you can now download Band of Preppers for only $2.99 instead of $4.49.

**Band of Preppers (Book 2):Life is Hope is now available in the Kindle Store and currently on sale.**

Derek Evers, a grocery store manager, his wife Amy, a nurse at the local hospital, their son Adam and their dog Roadie live a perfectly normal life in suburban Missouri. Between barbecues and everyday activities, nothing seems out of the ordinary. That is until uncle Buckle, a die hard prepper and survivalist, springs the news of a new viral disease originating in South America on the family of 4. What seems like just another unimportant news flash quickly becomes a daunting reality in this Post-Pandemic Prepper fiction novel. The family is forced to learn the traits of a Prepper and pick the brain of their prepping relative who has long spread the word of government corruption and social instability.

**Download your copy of Band of Preppers,a Prepper Fiction novel today and start reading instantly by simply clicking on the Orange Buy Now Button**

Why Prepper Fiction is great:

If you are a **Prepper** then you certainly know your fair share about being prepared and survival outdoors, off the grid or any other circumstances that pave your road to survival when SHTF. **Prepper Fiction** can help you find the mistakes in your emergency plans and come up with a set of new plans for various situations. Besides that, **Prepper fiction** is simply the best way of reading about the world going down; and let's be honest, who doesn't like reading about a **Prepper** in a Dystopian or Science-Fiction story?

If you are interested in learning more about **Prepping** and starting your first **Survival Stockpile**, make sure to check out some of my non-fiction Prepping related Kindle Ebooks and my other Prepping Novels:

**No Tomorrow: A Dystopian Novel

Prepper Central: A Prepper Fiction Novel

Prepping for the Unknown**

OR take a look at my two boxed sets:

Dystopian Fiction Boxed Set:

Contains: Band of Preppers I & II, Prepper Central and Presidential Cleaning

Prepper Fiction Boxed Set:

Contains: No Tomorrow, Prepping For The Unknown, 06:00 Hours and The Unforeseen Enemy

If you would like to find out more about my books then please feel free to visit my new website [www.Chadevercroft.com](http://www.Chadevercroft.com) or my facebook page at [www.facebook.com/chadevercroft](http://www.facebook.com/chadevercroft).

Related Search Terms: Prepper Fiction, SHTF Fiction, TEOTWAWKI Fiction, Prepping Novel, Dystopian Fiction, Prepper Novel, Survival Fiction