[Pendulum of Time 01] • Kill Them Wherever You Find Them

[Pendulum of Time 01] • Kill Them Wherever You Find Them

Warning To Readers:

If you're anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, anti-Islam, anti-Mormon, pro-terrorism, wanting sex scenes and vulgar language; don't read this book, you won't like it. But if you love great sci-fi and are kind-hearted enough to overlook errors (the author is mostly blind), you owe it to yourself to sit back and enjoy this nail-biting story. Also please note in some instances the writing is altered to reflect how Russians today, and Civil War era American Southerners actually speak. (In the Russian language the indefinite articles "a," "an," and "the" do not exist.) This is to provide an extra measure of authencity to the story line. (Though he speaks several languages, the author is a native English speaker with an extensive vocabulary and textbook grammar.)


The renowned Israeli spy agency, the Mossad, has uncovered actionable intelligence detailing a daring and highly organized, well-funded, strike against the State of Israel and large Jewish population centers in major cities around the world. Terrorists have obtained, modified and weaponized two biological pathogens secreted from a Level Four Bio Research Lab outside Moscow.

A former Special Ops scholar from the U.S. is recruited to work with "The Project," an ultra-secret program. It is anticipated that a drastic and last ditch response to the attacks, utilizing advances in technology, should thwart the terrorists from executing their plan of annihilation.

Before exploiting this extraordinary scientific discovery it must first be field tested in as controlled an environment as possible with measurable, history altering results. A violent and racist family, with criminal roots dating back to the American Civil War, has been identified for the first phase. The objective: Eliminate the sociopath patriarch of this family and carefully measure the time-line 'ripple effects which could adversely affect current time.

The American Operative, Jeff Stauffenburg, is sent to Civil War era Virginia and inadvertently captured in a surprise Confederate raid to capture fleeing slaves and their sympatizers. Critically wounded during the raid on the hotel where he was staying, Jeff finds himself facing death from the wound that has gone septic. Should he survive that he faces the hangman's noose as a Yankee spy.

Without the successful completion of this first critical phase, the second remains dubious as the terror leaders continue to strengthen their presence with sleeper agents strategically placed inside Israel and large cities globally.

Should they prevail the terrorists will succeed in wiping Israel off the face of the map, guaranteeing that no survivors of world Jewry will be able to rebuild their country. Millions will die in abject agony.

In Los Angeles one of the bio-agents is released by accident in an apartment building, killing the residents which brings in the full weight of the United States counter-terror units, FBI, CIA, and the Centers for Disease Control.

A Mossad agent, electronically monitoring the the foot traffic and conversations of a 'safe house' of known leaders of the terror network, learns that this accidental release half a world away has moved the scheduled strike date forward.

The story interweaves the lives, hopes and perspectives of characters with whom you may identify and for whom you will cheer, and a few you will loathe. The thrilling conclusion leaves you eager to read the next two books as you become more invested in the lives and unfolding stories of the main characters of the trillogy.

A complete story in and of itself, the exciting book takes you through twists that are at times expected, sometimes completely unanticipated and surprising - even shocking.

The first several chapters of the second book in the "Pendulum of Time" thrillogy, "Abducting the Time Master," is included at the end of the book.