NCLEX-PN Premier 2016 With 2 Practice Tests

NCLEX-PN Premier 2016 With 2 Practice Tests
Kaplan Publishing
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Pass the NCLEX-PN! Passing the NCLEX-PN exam is not just about what you know—it’s about how you think. With expert critical thinking strategies and targeted practice, Kaplan’s NCLEX-PN Premier 2016 with 2 Practice Tests shows you how to leverage your content knowledge to think like a nurse.


9 critical thinking paths to break down what exam questions are asking

6 end-of-chapter practice sets to help you put critical thinking principles into action

2 full-length practice tests to gauge your progress—one online, one in the book

Detailed rationales for all answer choices, correct and incorrect

60 minutes of video tutorials

Techniques for mastering the computer adaptive test

Digital version of the book for mobile study

Streamlined content review, organized along the exam’s “Client Needs” framework

* Review of all question types, including alternate-format questions

With efficient test prep via online + book + videos + mobile, Kaplan's NCLEX-PN Premier 2016 with 2 Practice Tests will make you assured and confident on test day.