Caledonii · Birth of a Nation. (Part Three · the Coming of Age)

Caledonii · Birth of a Nation. (Part Three · the Coming of Age)
Hall, Ian
Smashwords Edition
calach , history , agricola , domitian , caledonii , scottish , calgacus , invasion , roman , rome , empire , hadrians wall , roman empire , scotland , roman history
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Caledonii Birth of a Nation. (Part Three: The Coming of Age)

The year is 75 AD. The druid’s attempt to unite the clans failed last year. To aid the chief’s sons plot to unite the clans, Calach travels to the southern fortress of Bar’ton.

Keeping the plan from the druids, Calach’s younger brother Uwan’s druid training has become more rigorous.

Calach must be patient if he wants the plan to succeed, his father, Ranald, is more belligerent as time passes. Soon the two will meet; head to head.

This is Part Three of a series, to be released in Novella length pieces.

Part Three is over 110 pages, and runs over 30,000 words.

Comments by readers are welcome.

Ian Hall, the author, spent his childhood 10 miles south of Edinburgh, Scotland, and played in a 2000 year old Roman encampment as a boy.

The Roman story is in his blood.

Part One is entitled; Caledonii: Birth of a Nation. (Part one; The Great Gather), available on Smashwords.

Part Two is entitled; Caledonii: Birth of a Nation. (Part Two; The Druid’s Plan), available on Smashwords.