Darwinův omyl

Darwinův omyl
Zillmer, Hans-Joachim
historia , science
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Was there an evolution? How old is the Earth really?

Everything seems proven: Earth is some billion years old. Scientific methods determine the ages of things. Geologists confirm the slow growth of rock strata and earth layers. Biologists prove that human beings gradually developed from protozoa to humanity. Both sciences substantiate each other’s theories. Are they one-legged men, one supporting the other? Or is the evidence they bring forth really secured?

If all things are exactly proven and explored, then we should ask ourselves, why we take certain phenomena for granted that we still are not able to explain. Why do we find dinosaur skeletons on all continents so close to the ground surface that, in some cases, the bones simply jut out of the ground? How come whole nests of eggs survived without signs of decay, and why were they not eaten by other animals? We simply accept that we make these findings after more than 64 million years – incredible findings, however, if we apply to them, what we know of history and the enormous time that has elapsed. Let alone that science is unable to explain, how petrifaction can take place on the surface at all. By merely lying around long enough? If so, then we should be able to observe this tendency towards surface petrifaction today. Why has no such process been documented?

Not only at the Paluxy River in Texas but in other parts of the world as well, traces of dinosaurs, trilobites, mammals, and humans were found together. The Theory of Evolution chronologically allocates the lifetimes of these living beings to ages hundreds of millions of years apart. The author personally partook in excavations proving the temporal coexistence of all of these life forms. He also proves: There was no evolution. It is merely a fictitious working model.

There have always been doubts about our view of the world. Great mysteries to some extent form our normality. For example: How did the ice ages come about? How did the rusty piece of a bicycle get into layers formed during the last ice age? Where did the gigantic belt of loess come from that stretches from France all the way to distant China? Why was the Antarctic ice-free in a more recent past, as ancient charts show? Why did the continents drift apart when dinosaurs still existed? How come we find so many tools and technical aids in age-old geological strata of rock? How is it possible that we are able to admire a 4500 year old Akkadian rolled seal at Berlin’s »Middle Eastern Museum« that displays all planets of our solar system, if only five of them are visible to the bare eye?

Many questions to which this book gives detailed answers. For the first time, a book presents a comprehensive, unquestioningly conclusive concept of the earth’s past.