[Cate Harlow Private Investigation 02] • Grave Misgivings

[Cate Harlow Private Investigation 02] • Grave Misgivings
Houghton, Kristen
Skylight Publishing
female pi , sleuths , private investigator
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PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR Cate Harlow has a terrified new client. A woman named Jennifer Brooks-Warren has come to Catherine Harlow, Private Investigations in desperate need of help; a contract has been put out on her life. Her request is for Cate Harlow to find the professional assassin who has been hired to kill her before he fulfills his contract, something he seems more than able to do considering that he is "a ghost,"the best and most elusive professional eliminator in the world and is off the radar as far as contact goes. Making it all the harder for the intrepid Cate is the name of the person responsible for taking out the contract killing in the first place. It's none other than Jennifer Brooks-Warren herself! Add to the mix the fact that Cate's best friend, Melissa fears the body of one of her former "clients" is about to be exhumed with incriminating evidence of his strange erotic interests, her ex-husband and sometime lover, Detective Will Benigni is driving her crazy studying for his long postponed Bar exam, and her solid-as-a-rock secretary Myrtle Goldberg Tuttle is certain that her loving husband, pastry-baking accountant Harry is cheating on her, and you have the makings of a perfect blend of mystery, thriller, and humor in one page-turning novel.