[Gutenberg 39683] • Memoranda on the Maya Calendars Used in the Books of Chilan Balam

[Gutenberg 39683] • Memoranda on the Maya Calendars Used in the Books of Chilan Balam
Bowditch, Charles P.
manuscripts , maya calendar , books of chilam balam , maya , mayas -- antiquities
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Memoranda on the Maya Calendars Used in the Books of Chilan Balam by Bowditch

Author Bowditch, Charles P.

Title Memoranda on the Maya Calendars Used in the Books of Chilan Balam

Language English

Category Text

Dr Brinton, in his Maya Chronicles, has translated the following passages from the Book of Chilan Balam of Mani:

... in the thirteenth Ahau Ahpula died; for six years the count of the thirteenth Ahau will not be ended; the count of the year was toward the East, the month Pop began with (the day) fourth Kan; the eighteenth day of the month Zip (that is) 9 Ymix, was the day on which Ahpula died; and that the count may be known in numbers and years, it was the year 1536.