[Sun On The Rocks - All Girl 01] • The Malibu Case.

[Sun On The Rocks - All Girl 01] • The Malibu Case.
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Welcome to 'Sun on the Rocks', an amusing All-Girl Leisure Series of Fiction specializing in the trivial pursuit.

The episodes follow the adventures of a group of attractive women over twenty one years of age, as they seek to become a world-beating synchronised swimming team, 'Sun on the Rocks', led by the incombustible Clarity Nice, a teleoperator of resourceful intuition and acute observer of the laws of human mischief.

There’s a fresh, exciting, breezy, hip, sexy energy to these stories created to provide fun and a satisfying, playful read.

The writing is clear, focused, and professional, and each plot, setting, and situation, progress very briskly from incident to high beat scene. Style is concise, and a sense of atmosphere quickly established, without allowing the prose to pull focus away from the action.

In 'The Malibu Case', Clarity and her friends, librarian Lanai Thomson, lifeguard Taimi Kendrick, and the well-to-do Malibu resident Cynthia Stevenson, establish a state wide referendum in California on public and workplace nudity, outsmarting Malibu city police Officer Packwood.

Clarity Nice, the lead character of 'Sun on the Rocks', likes to live a life of leisure, preferably with tropical waters and girlfriends in proximity.

I hope that you will enjoy reading 'Sun on the Rocks', a summer light read, every day of the year.