The YELLOW FAIRY BOOK · Illustrated Edition

The YELLOW FAIRY BOOK · Illustrated Edition
Mouse, Anon E.
Abela Publishing
classic fairy tales , dead wife , european , rare and forgotten folklore , princess , grateful beasts , icelandic , stone boat , magic , prince , french , daughter , dragon and his grandmother , fund raising , native american , giant and the herd-boy , folk lore society , greek , giants , romanian , morals , glass mountain , emperor's new clothes , tinder box , speaking animals , prince ring , jury of children , wizard king , seven-headed serpent , story , blockhead hans , folk tales , moral tales , flower queen , myths , crow , nut child , six men travelled through the wide world , swineherd , invisible prince , nightingale , good vs evil , stupidity , six swans , true princess , hazel , fund , dragon of the north , dwarfs , the broken promise , little green frog , children , red indians , fairytales ‘n folklore , legends , comical , russian , hindu , broken promise , rose , magic ring , blue mountains , princess and the pea , story of king frost , extraordinary stories , little klaus , kings , servants , green monkey , golden crab , flying ship , norse , thumbelina , nixy , cat and the mouse in partnership , faerie tales , death of the sun hero , story of big klaus , folk-lore , iron stove , land of souls , alphege , how to tell a true princess , egyptian , fairer-than-a-fairy , antique fairy tales , snow daughter , fire son , common man , glass axe , hermod and hadvor , something magical , german , donkey cabbage , darning-needle , andrew lang , white duck , steadfast tin soldier , witch , boy and the wolves , joseph jacobs , three brothers , stories , antique tales
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This extraordinary volume contains 37 old and forgotten folk and fairy tales including stories like stories Lovely Ilonka, Lucky Luck, The Hairy Man, To Your Good Health! and The Story of the Seven Simons. It also contains Russian, German, French, Icelandic, American (Red) Indian, and other tales from around the world. There was a time when the president of the Folk Lore Society believed it was not acceptable for the editors of the day, in particular Mr Andrew Lang and Mr. Joseph Jacobs, to publish fairy books. Their reply was that they did not see any harm in it, and they were ready to 'put themselves on their country,' and be tried by a jury of children. And so they were proving the President of the FLS wrong. This book also contains many references to fairies. As to whether there are really any fairies or not, is a difficult question. Andrew Lang never saw any himself, but he knew several people who have seen them-in the Highlands-and heard their music. If...