[Gutenberg 10657] • "De Bello Gallico" and Other Commentaries
![[Gutenberg 10657] • "De Bello Gallico" and Other Commentaries](/cover/BDJnSRl2kmcwUo_k/big/[Gutenberg%2010657]%20%e2%80%a2%20%22De%20Bello%20Gallico%22%20and%20Other%20Commentaries.jpg)
- Authors
- Caesar, Julius
- Tags
- 58-51 b.c. , rome -- history -- civil war , gaul -- history -- gallic wars , 49-48 b.c.
- Date
- 2009-03-09T00:00:00+00:00
- Size
- 0.37 MB
- Lang
- en
The character of the First Caesar has perhaps never been worse appreciated than by him who in one sense described it best; that is, with most force and eloquence wherever he really *did* comprehend it. This was Lucan, who has nowhere exhibited more brilliant rhetoric, nor wandered more from the truth, than in the contrasted portraits of Caesar and Pompey. The famous line, *"Nil actum reputans si quid superesset agendum,"* is a fine feature of the real character, finely expressed. But, if it had been Lucan's purpose (as possibly, with a view to Pompey's benefit, in some respects it was) utterly and extravagantly to falsify the character of the great Dictator, by no single trait could he more effectually have fulfilled that purpose, nor in fewer words, than by this expressive passage, *"Gaudensque viam fecisse ruina."* Such a trait would be almost extravagant applied even to Marius, who (though in many respects a perfect model of Roman grandeur, massy, columnar, imperturbable, and more perhaps than any one man recorded in History capable of justifying the bold illustration of that character in Horace, " *Si fractus illabatur orbis, impavidum ferient ruinae* ") had, however, a ferocity in his character, and a touch of the devil in him, very rarely united with the same tranquil intrepidity. But, for Caesar, the all-accomplished statesman, the splendid orator, the man of elegant habits and polished taste, the patron of the fine arts in a degree transcending all example of his own or the previous age, and as a man of general literature so much beyond his contemporaries, except Cicero, that he looked down even upon the brilliant Sylla as an illiterate person--to class such a man with the race of furious destroyers exulting in the desolations they spread is to err not by an individual trait, but by the whole genus. The Attilas and the Tamerlanes, who rejoice in avowing themselves the scourges of God, and the special instruments of his wrath, have no one feature of affinity to the polished and humane Caesar, and would as little have comprehended his character as he could have respected theirs. Even Cato, the unworthy hero of Lucan, might have suggested to him a little more truth in this instance, by a celebrated remark which he made on the characteristic distinction of Caesar, in comparison with other revolutionary disturbers; for, said he, whereas others had attempted the overthrow of the state in a continued paroxysm of fury, and in a state of mind resembling the lunacy of intoxication, Caesar, on the contrary, among that whole class of civil disturbers, was the only one who had come to the task in a temper of sobriety and moderation *(unum accessisse sobrium ad rempublicam delendam)*....