Ibn Al-Haytham's Geometrical Methods and the Philosophy of Mathematics

Ibn Al-Haytham's Geometrical Methods and the Philosophy of Mathematics
Rāshid, Rushdī & El-Bizri, Nader
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This fifth volume of A History of Arabic Sciences and Mathematics is complemented by four preceding volumes which focused on the main chapters of classical mathematics: infinitesimal geometry, theory of conics and its applications, spherical geometry, mathematical astronomy, etc.

This book includes seven main works of Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) and of two of his predecessors, Thābit ibn Qurra and al-Sijzī

The circle, its transformations and its properties;

Analysis and synthesis: the founding of analytical art;

A new mathematical discipline: the Known s;

The geometrisation of place;

Analysis and synthesis: examples of the geometry of triangles;

Axiomatic method and invention: Thābit ibn Qurra;

The idea of an Ars Inveniendi al-Sijzī.

Including extensive commentary from one of the world's foremost authorities on the subject, this fundamental text is essential reading for historians and mathematicians at the most advanced levels of research.