[Balada: A Symphony of Eternity 05] • The 5th And 6th Pillars

[Balada: A Symphony of Eternity 05] • The 5th And 6th Pillars
Razvan, Solea
Solea Razvan
space opera , dark humour , comedy , epic fantasy , military sf , space fleet starship , epic war , high fantasy , galactic empire , multi species country
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“How many ships are after us?”

“We are analyzing it this very moment sir, about 800 wait…….no, make that 1.200!”

“Not bad! A little small when compared to Balisha, but I suppose we can’t be picky about our prey.”

“No wait………we have 5.000, no 6.000 ships after us!”

“Get me an exact number sailor!” Oscar half shouted in surprise and semi panic towards his pulsar officer as the numbers where becoming rather worrisome.

“7.000, 8.000, 9.000, 12, 14, 17, by the Creator! Over 18.000 ships are after us!”

That number made Oscar panic for a second, before he quickly reigned himself in and calmly analyzed the situation and came up with an appropriate response.

“Get me an open channel broadcast over my division!”

The comm’s officer complied and gave him the microphone crystal.

“To all ships, this is you division commander speaking; You may feel uneasy about this situation, but this is not the first time we have been chased by such a force and this time we not only have reinforcements with us, but also Zula, Gerula and Cornelia are fighting alongside us as well!”

“We have a plan for this, but we can only pull it off if you keep calm and maintain order, so follow our commands and we can crush these tonurs!” Oscar word’s where transmitted through the comm’s crystals to everywhere around his formation, from the other ships deck and hall windwakers, to the personal comm crystals of the sailors and soldiers aboard.

A few moments passed and he could hear the echo of a cheer coming from his ships corridors, signaling that his little speech had worked.

“That should keep them in line, at least for now. Still, I can’t blame them from being nervous!”

Commodore Raqianus thought to himself as he gazed at the map depicting their fleet and the enemy.

“At least there’s plenty of glory for all to go around.” he thought as the sensors started to register enemy fire.

Extract from the diary of Deux,

the amurg who travels the universe, and tries to be a salesman