[Gutenberg 54331] • Life of a Pioneer: Being the Autobiography of James S. Brown

[Gutenberg 54331] • Life of a Pioneer: Being the Autobiography of James S. Brown
Brown, James S.
AMS Press
brown , 1828-1902 , james s. (james stephens) , mormon pioneers -- biography , frontier and pioneer life -- united states
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Western America always is full of peril and hardship; often it has a large share of startling episodes and thrilling adventures; not infrequently it is associated with notable historic events; and the experiences met with develop independence of character, firmness of purpose, and, in those whose spiritual nature is not dwarfed by unworthy conduct, a sublime faith in God that when man puts forth his highest endeavor all things beyond the scope of his efforts are ordered for the best by the Great Ruler of the universe. When to the pioneers experiences are added those that come from travel in foreign lands, perils of the sea, and the hostility of warlike foes, the narrative of such a life cannot fail to be alike profitable and interesting reading to both young and old. The subject of the autobiographical sketch in this volume feels that he is not presumptuous in saying that each class of experience named in relation to the pioneer and the traveler has been his.