HBR Guide to Better Business Writing

HBR Guide to Better Business Writing
Corporation., Harvard Business School Publishing
Harvard Business Review Press
reference , business , general fiction , writing
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Does writing for an audience of senior managers or key stakeholders get your heart pounding-in a bad way? Do you stare at your blank screen for several painful minutes, type in a few words, delete them, type a few more, delete again, and then go refill your coffee? When you send e-mails to colleagues, do your messages disappear into a void, never to be read, let alone answered? Do your proposals fail to grab clients' attention and win jobs? Many of us fumble for the right words and tone when we write, even if we're confident and articulate when we speak. But it doesn't have to be that way. Writing clearly and persuasively requires neither magic nor luck. And it's not a genetic gift. It's a skill, to be sure-but one you can build with the help of the practical advice in this guide. You'll learn how to: (1) Push past writer's block, (2) Organize your ideas, (3) Cut to the chase-and keep readers' attention, (4) Trim the fat from your documents, (5) Strike the right tone, (6) Create proposals that win business, (7) Write e-mails that get people to act, (8) Call out key points with formatting, and (9) Avoid grammar gaffes.

Articles in this collection: "Write Quickly-Then Edit," "Win Over Readers by Meeting Their Needs," "Sell Your Proposal with a Strong Executive Summary," "Make Your Proposal Come Out on Top," "How to Write E-Mails People Will Read," "Is Your E-mail Concise-or Curt?," "Strike the Right Tone," "Five Quick Ways to Trim Your Writing," "How to Write Correctly Without Knowing All the Rules," and "Is Following the "Rules" Tripping Up Your Message?"

Harvard Business Review Guides are for busy professionals looking for quick answers to common challenges. They're packed with useful tips and practical advice in a brief, easy-to-read format. Whether you're looking to expand your skills or refresh your existing ones, these guides offer reliable answers to your most pressing problems.