Lilla's Sunflowers

Lilla's Sunflowers
Colleen Rowan Kosinski
Sky Pony
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Lilla and Papa enjoy spending magical times in Lilla's sunflower patch. Before Papa leaves for a trip that will take him far away from home for a long time, Lilla gives him a sunflower seed. To remember me, Papa," Lilla whispers.Seasons pass and Lilla's mood falls like autumn leaves. Finally, news comes that her papa is coming home! The following summer, to her surprise, she receives letters from families with photos of their loved ones pictured with sunflowers. She learns that her gift to her father brightened the dark days for many people, and that her one small seed continued spreading sunshine across the country.Colleen Rowan Kosinki's lyrical style and whimsical artwork brings this story of love to life. Not only will Lilla's Sunflowers resonate with military families but with any child missing a loved one. This is a wonderful gift for holidays celebrating our country's military heroes as well a quiet story for bedtime read-alouds.For kids aged 3 to...