Virtually Yours · A Virtual Match Anthology

Virtually Yours · A Virtual Match Anthology

Virtual Match is your one-stop shop to convincing those nosy relatives, the too friendly coworker, or your ex that you're off the market. We'll match you up with an attentive boyfriend or girlfriend. Texts, emails, phone calls, even gifts. All the fun of a relationship-well, almost all the fun-and none of the commitment. You might even forget it's not real.


Wish I Might by Kait Nolan**: Bookstore owner Reed wasn't looking for a woman. But when the new clerk he hired won't take no for an answer, he needs a girlfriend stat. His friends give him the perfect out--Virtual Match. But when Reed gets a second chance with the one that got away, his virtual girlfriend may cause more problems than she solves.

**Lip Service by Wendy Sparrow**: Amputee Berg is struggling with civilian life. Dating is perilous, but the girl next door is oh so tempting. His new gig as "virtual boyfriend" allows him to bask in her sunshine without risking rejection. Roxie has tried cupcakes and pizza and her neighbor doesn't adore her yet. He recommends Virtual Match to get rid of a slimy coworker, but she absolutely can't fall for her new fake boyfriend.


Code Name: Girlfriend by Jessica Fox**: Drew needs a girlfriend--fast. Trouble is he already told his nosy coworkers all about her, and she doesn't exist. When his BFF sees an ad for Virtual Match, it seems like the answer to all his problems...until he starts falling for his match. Struggling writer Caroline thinks the tell-all feature on Virtual Match will make her career. Seems easy enough, until pretending to be someone's girlfriend suddenly gets far too real.

**Dream Home by Lisa Kroger:** Evie doesn't have time for the boyfriend her mom and sister think she needs. Still reeling from her husband's death, she's renovating the antebellum plantation meant to be their dream home. Enter Luc, her virtual boyfriend. Luc may keep her family at bay and provide company in the dark of night, but when sinister things start happening in Evie's house, she's still very much on her own.


Something Old and Something New by J.R. Pearse Nelson**: Delia has finally managed to kick her cheating ex to the curb. In a parting jab at her lack of tech savvy and need for companionship, he signs her up for Virtual Match. The virtual boyfriend's texts are as creepy as the idea and getting stranger, but she can't stop them. When an old friend shows up on her doorstep, Delia is pushed to retire old heartaches in favor of a new vision of herself and her future.


Matchmaker Reality by Sharon Hughson:** Ronnie isn't willing to put her heart on the line. A fake boyfriend through Virtual Match will satisfy her nagging family and keep her heart safe. Unexpected sparks fly with her imaginary boyfriend and she gets in deep--her feelings unearthing a past secret she'd buried. When her virtual boyfriend wants to meet, reality might ruin Ronnie's chances of a real connection. Will her heart survive and is love worth the gamble?


Virtual Surprise by Catherine Lynn:** To convince her friends she's moved on post-divorce, Anna signs up for Virtual Match. A fake boyfriend is safe and easy...until he feels real. Then, there's her high school crush--who broke her heart. Neither man is simple and one may not even exist. Luke's job with Virtual Match is just for extra cash. He's still dealing with his anger for the girl who once hurt him. Then, he starts falling for his assigned "girlfriend." Is it worth the risk to make their match real?


Home Field Advantage by Kate Davison:** For Shelby, going home to Suwannee Grove after her sister's death is the hardest thing she's ever done. The reasons she left make it even harder. One look at Dallas and she knows her bigger mistake may have been staying away so long. Dallas has always considered Shelby the love of his life and he wants her her trip home to be permanent. But if Shelby ever finds out he was posing as her sister's Virtual Match, he doubts even his home field advantage will help convince her to stay.