[Gutenberg 16658] • Piano and Song / How to Teach, How to Learn, and How to Form a Judgment of Musical Performances

[Gutenberg 16658] • Piano and Song / How to Teach, How to Learn, and How to Form a Judgment of Musical Performances
Wieck, Friedrich
Public Domain Books
music , piano -- instruction and study , singing
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The text covers teaching, learning and performing on the piano in an unusual style, alternating between conversation and instruction.

[...]essentially from that in common use. I give you here the main points; and, if you place confidence in my experience of forty years, and if you will supply those details which I have omitted, your own varied experience as a thoughtful, talented, and earnest piano-teacher will enable you to understand my theory, from the following dialogue between my humble self under the title of Dominie, my friend, and the little Bessie: - Dominie. My dear friend, how have you managed to make piano-playing so utterly distasteful to little Susie? and how is it that the instruction which you have given her for the last three years actually amounts to nothing?[...].