The Dragon at the Edge of the Map · A Crime Thriller Novel

The Dragon at the Edge of the Map · A Crime Thriller Novel
Wilson, P.A.
Smashwords Edition
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The Dragon At the Edge of the Map is creeping across the borders of Monique’s life.

“You are inside the borders of Monique country and everything else is outside, standing with the dragons in Terra Incognito.”

Monique knew Rafe was right, that keeping everyone outside her barriers was the safest way to live. If no one got too close, no one could hurt her again. He would never understand why she kept everything and everyone at bay. He could never really understand why she had to protect herself from betrayal.

First her neighbor is murdered and then a stranger. Monique knows the case isn’t a priority for the police; it’s just criminals killing criminals. She knows it’s better to stay away, but something is driving her to investigate.

Vancouver’s jazz scene is the only place where Monique feels safe. Singing makes her remember what it means to be alive. Then the violence comes to the club where she works, and threatens the people she loves. Is solving these murders the only way to put her dragons to rest?

Monique trusts that none of the criminals know she’s investigating, but once again her trust betrays her. Is it too late to let the police do their job?