Scorpio Stinger MC Box Set

Scorpio Stinger MC Box Set

Box Set of 3 Novels & 2 Novellas PLUS Bonus Chapters


# 0.5 Ryder Prequel

# 1 Two Worlds Colliding

# 2 Unchain My Heart

# 2.5 A Biker Christmas

# 3 Gods & Monsters

& 5 Bonus Chapters

Ryder Knox wants freedom from the hatred churning in his gut. Saved by the Scorpio Stingers MC boys, he owes his life and allegiance to them—they are his family.

He doesn’t need a smart mouthed woman who pushes every one of his buttons. But he can’t get Jade out of his head.

Jade Summers is a good girl. She wants a man just like her lawyer daddy.

Not the alpha male, cocky biker who storms into her life, who looks like a sex god with tattoos and piercings. He’s demanding, controlling and won’t take no for an answer.

Their chemistry is off the charts and they are drawn to one another like magnets. Neither can resist the other.

Two worlds collide. Their families are determined to tear them apart.

With everything stacked against them, is what they have strong enough to overcome the odds?

They must choose: family or one another.

The ultimate price may be too high.

Will their polar opposite worlds destroy and rip them apart forever?

The Beauty & The Beast

Eva has never known a man so lost, so broken, yet so cocky. Harrison can unravel her with a mere look, set her heart beating with a touch, make her wanton with his words.

He demands her submission. She is willing to give him her body.

But her heart?

No way.

He’s hard, cold and distant. Set on revenge.

Harrison Summers has never wanted anything this much. It destroys his plans of living for his career only. No ties, no tomorrows. Add his dark past and uncontrollable desire for revenge and he’s one messed up dude.

But Eva?

Is she the beauty who can tame the beast?

Is she the one who can Unchain His Heart?

Cobra Malone is the President of the Scorpio Stinger MC

He never looks in a mirror. If he wants to see what he looks like, he just looks at his twin. Daemon and Cobra are identical in every way — from the outside.

That’s where it ends.

Born five minutes after Cobra, his brother hates that he came second. It irks him that Cobra breathed life into his lungs first. Ever since he’s been trying to steal everything Cobra has and loves.

To own it first.

Until the day Cobra becomes president of the Scorpio Stinger MC. He throws Daemon out like the garbage he is. Rotten filth won’t be able to taunt him any longer.

How wrong he is.

Evil knows no barriers. It stops at nothing. It won’t rest until it gets what it wants. And Daemon wants what belongs to Cobra. He wants Cobra's woman.

Cobra will die before he gives up Mia.

Will this be a battle to the end? Till the last man is left standing?

When two wills this strong clash, there will be chaos . . . and blood.

Who will win? The God or The Monster?

TORMENTED Book #4 in The Scorpio Stinger Series release date: OCTOBER 8, 2015

Recommended to read the series in the order above, all contained in this BOX SET (books 0.5 - 3) before reading TORMENTED


GROUP: Jani Kay's Krusaders
