The Troubleshooter

The Troubleshooter

Hey there, pal.

You're probably wondering why you're here in this dimly lit office sitting across from a hard-looking man with his heels on the desk and a shot of bourbon in his hand.

Let me guess.

You're here because you got a problem. The kind either the brass doesn't wanna touch or the kind you don't want the brass to touch. Doesn't really matter. When folks in New Haven got those types of problems, they usually end up coming to me. In the days before the Cataclysm, folks would have called me a private eye. But here in the Havens, they call my kind of specialist a Troubleshooter. I do pretty much what the name implies.

I shoot trouble.

Still not convinced? Well, here's a resume of sorts. Four cases I've worked, from when I first learned the ropes until now. Might give you an idea of what to expect when I take on a case. Because sooner or later you're gonna need a man like me in your corner. Because your trouble is my business. And when business is trouble, then business is good.