Stupefying Stories · March 2014

Stupefying Stories · March 2014
Field, Judith & Cottrill, Torah & Nolta, Brandon & Brady, John J. & Day, Julie & Doering, Randal & McArdle, Pete & Kneram, Christopher Lee & March, Carol Holland
Rampant Loon Press
science fiction , anthologies
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In the ancient Norse myths it’s called Fimbulvetr: the Mighty Winter, the winter that never ends, the winter at the end of the world. Now I’m not saying anyone needs to keep an eye out for Fenrisúlfr, learn how to pronounce Vafþrúðnir, or otherwise begin to prepare for Ragnarök, but in more than 40 years of living up here in the Great White North this is the longest, coldest, and most consistently miserable winter I can remember. As I write this, it is twenty degrees below zero outside.

Therefore, in celebration—no, in *defiance* of The Winter That Would Not End, Stupefying Stories returns to regular production with nine wonderful winter’s tales. From a story of slightly mad science and a man who will stop at nothing to get fresh blueberries in December to the tales of things that wash up on winter beaches that the summer vacation people never see; from a very different take on a very different Russian revolution to a steel mill in the depths of the Great Depression to a sleeping bag on a sidewalk in New York City, here are nine tales celebrating the idea that no matter how tough winter can be, we are tougher.

Featuring: "Anachronic Order" by Christopher Lee Kneram, "Dried Skins Unshed" by Julie Day, "A Nun's Tale" by Pete McArdle, "They Followed Me" by Carol March, "Interregnum" by John J. Brady, "Full Fathom Five" by Judith Field, "Bone Mother" by Torah Cottrill, "Aleph" by Brandon Nolta, and "Alien Treaties" by Randal Doering.