[The Zombies 01] • The Zombies · Volume One

[The Zombies 01] • The Zombies · Volume One
Hunter, Macaulay C.
Macaulay C. Hunter
literature & fiction , science fiction & fantasy , post-apocalyptic , science fiction , genre fiction , horror
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They were six average teenagers . . . until Sombra C.

Schools are closed. Thousands of sick people are locked in confinement points to die. Vigilante soldiers are pacing the streets. A mutation of a common cold virus has resulted in the deadly Sombra C illness, which is spreading through the world like wildfire. Highly contagious, it transforms its victims in the weeks before death into violent, zombie-like creatures.

Zaley Mattazollo and her friends are thrilled when the anti-viral medication Zyllevir is proven to freeze the infection in its tracks. Finally their lives can go back to normal . . . except they don’t. Riots and bombings and assassinations, zombies and Shepherd soldiers running loose: the civil unrest stirred up by Sombra C unravels their world more and more by the day. And then an attack upon their holiday party changes their lives forever.