The Little Fox House Cookbook · Cheap and Easy Recipes for your Pilgrim Soul

The Little Fox House Cookbook · Cheap and Easy Recipes for your Pilgrim Soul
Saunders, Tracy
Little Fox Publishing
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What do you feed five pilgrims? Before you start thinking corn, turkey and other US Thanksgiving staples, you might like to change you definition of what is a pilgrim – most especially if you are from the United States.

The Camino de Santiago, an 800 kilometer plus “hike” in Spain (depending on your departure point) , is attracting more and more people every year. Many of them come for diverse reasons, and a religious bent is likely to be the least of them. And many choose to continue their pilgrimage beyond Santiago de Compostela on to the edge of the Costa da Morte: to Finisterre (where the land ends) and beyond, to Muxia.

And then what?

The Little Fox House (A Casa do Raposito) near Muxia has been hosting pilgrims between worlds for three years now and more: they come seeking a small space where they can get ready for their journey home – back to where “normal” life will begin once again.

Tracy Saunders welcomes pilgrims from all over the world: this is what she feeds them.

Buen Provecho.
