Occult Invasion · the Subtle Seduction of the World and Church

Occult Invasion · the Subtle Seduction of the World and Church
Hunt, Dave
The Berean Call
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Occult beliefs march freely across America today, powerfully influencing our children, our society, our government, and even our churches. The deadly impact of Satan's dominion is seen in the rise of teen suicide, the increase in violence, and the immorality that pervades our society. Sharing the knowledge you need to protect your family from this invasion, noted cult expert Dave Hunt reveals: 1) How Satan's lies are being taught behind the academic respectability of science; 2) How demonic activities are presented as the path to enlightenment through "alien" contacts and paranormal experiences; 3) How pagan religions are being promoted through ecology and "we are one" philosophies; 4) How evil is being reinvented as good by psychology and the legal system; and more. Readers will discover how to exercise biblical discernment to ferret out and defeat the "wiles of the devil" in their own communities, learning how to lovingly but firmly take a stand against every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.