Artificial Unintelligence, How Computers Misunderstand the World

Artificial Unintelligence, How Computers Misunderstand the World

A guide to understanding the inner workings and outer limits of technology and why we should never assume that computers always get it right.In Artificial Unintelligence, Meredith Broussard argues that our collective enthusiasm for applying computer technology to every aspect of life has resulted in a tremendous amount of poorly designed systems. We are so eager to do everything digitallyhiring, driving, paying bills, even choosing romantic partnersthat we have stopped demanding that our technology actually work. Broussard, a software developer and journalist, reminds us that there are fundamental limits to what we can (and should) do with technology. With this book, she offers a guide to understanding the inner workings and outer limits of technologyand issues a warning that we should never assume that computers always get things right.Making a case against technochauvinismthe belief that technology is always the...